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This page posts links to some of our current and recent teachings, and resources for furthering your journey in each concept and revelation. God's promises are Yea and Amen, and there is always room to go deeper and grow richer in the understanding and power available in each promise.

These points will inspire you to see a new side of God's great care and guidance for us.



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Follow this link to some additional resources and faith building scriptures to help us fully appropriate the healing that Christ intends for us.

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Follow this link to some additional resources and guidelines to the fasts our ministry is undertaking, and tips for developing a discipline of fasting and the power that comes with it in your life.

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This study of the Psalms reveals so many of God's promises, protections, and opportunities that we had to spread it out over the year. Check it out. Something you need is in the Psalms.



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