If you are interested in God moving in a new way in your life today, let us support you in faith and in prayer and please follow the instructions below.
Jesus loves you, and He is happy to offer you not only eternal salvation, but life, more abundantly. If you are ready to receive Him and His gifts, join us in speaking aloud this simple prayer:
I acknowledge that Jesus Christ is God; that He came to earth as a man in order to live a sinless life; that He died in my place, so that I would not have to pay the penalty I deserve for the wrong I've done.
I confess my past life of sin, failing to obey God's commands and failing to consistently love, and I ask God's forgiveness.
I am ready to trust you Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord, and ask that you come into my heart, show me who you are, fill me with your Holy Spirit and help me to become more like you.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen
It's that simple. Welcome to the family! Contact us so we can celebrate with you and pray for you. And feel free to ask any questions that you may have.
If you have already accepted Christ into your heart, whether as a child or more recently, but know that you have not been living in line with His Word or His Purpose for your life, and would like God to renew your walk with Him, speak aloud this simple prayer.
Precious God, I come before you asking that you once again forgive my trespasses and bring me back into your will. I repent of those things that have taken me away and ask that you give me the strength, wisdom and guidance to recommit my life to you and your will. Help me God to follow your Holy Spirit and walk in line with your plan for my life. My sins are forgiven; covered by the Blood of Jesus. Help me to forgive myself, and move forward in you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
It's that simple. Welcome back! God forgives you. He loves you. And He has great things in store. Make sure you are connected with a good church home, and loving brothers and sisters in Christ so they can be a good support system. And contact us so we can pray for you, and encourage you in the Lord.
If you would like to connect with us and have Perfecting Saints Church be your spiritual home, contact us today. We are happy to have you. We commit to encouraging you, supporting you in Christ, and teaching you the principles of faith, deeper relationship with God, and following Holy Spirit's guidance into Christ's perfect plan for your life. Contact us so we can give you the next steps. And we look forward to seeing the amazing things God is going to do in your life! Welcome!